
BTI225 - Week 3

Suggested Readings

Introduction to Objects and Object-Oriented Programming

In languages like C, we are used to thinking about data types separately from the functions that operate upon them. We declare variables to hold data in memory, and call functions passing them variables as arguments to operate on their values.

In object-oriented languages like JavaScript, we are able to combine data and functionality into higher order types, which both contain data and allow us to work with that data. In other words, we can pass data around in a program, and all the functionality that works on that data travels with it.

Let’s consider this idea by looking at strings in C vs. JavaScript. In C a string is a null terminated (\0) array of char elements, for example:

const char name1[31] = "My name is Arnold";
const char name2[31] = {'M','y',' ','n','a','m','e',' ','i','s',' ','A','r','n','o','l','d','\0'};

With C-style strings, we perform operations using standard library functions, for example string.h:

#include <string.h>

int main(void)
    char str[31];        // declare a string
    strlen(str);         // find the length of a string str
    strcpy(str2, str);   // copy a string
    strcmp(str2, str);   // compare two strings
    strcat(str, "...");  // concatenate a string with another string

JavaScript also allows us to work with strings, but because JavaScript is an object-oriented language, a JavaScript String is an Object with various properties and methods we can use for working with text.

One way to think about Objects like String is to imagine combining a C-string’s data type with the functions that operate on that data. Instead of needing to specify which string we want to work with, all functions would operate a particular instance of a string. Another way to look at this would be to imagine that the data and the functions for working with that data are combined into one more powerful type. If we could do this in C, we would be able to write code that looked more like this:

String str = "Hello"; // declare a string

int len = str.len;    // get the length of str
str.cmp(str2);        // compare str and str2
str ="..."); // concatenate "..." onto str

In the made-up code above, the data (str) is attached to functionality that we can call via the .* notation. Using str.*, we no longer need to indicate to the functions which string to work with: all string functions work on the string data to which they are attached.

This is very much how String and other Object types work in JavaScript. By combining the string character data and functionality into one type (i.e., a String), we can easily create and work with text in our programs.

Also, because we work with strings at a higher level of abstraction (i.e., not as arrays of char), JavaScript deals with memory management for us, allowing our strings to grow or shrink at runtime.

JavaScript’s String

Declaring JavaScript Strings

Here are a few examples of how you can declare a String in JavaScript, first using a string literal, followed by a call to the new operator and the String object’s constructor function:

 * JavaScript String Literals
let s = 'some text';  // single-quotes
let s1 = "some text"; // double-quotes
let s2 = `some text`; // template literal using back-ticks
let unicode = "中文 español Deutsch English देवनागरी العربية português বাংলা русский 日本語 ਪੰਜਾਬੀ 한국어 தமிழ் עברית" // non-ASCII characters

 * JavaScript String Constructor: `new String()` creates a new instance of a String
let s3 = new String("Some Text");
let s4 = new String('Some Text'); 

If we want to convert other types to a String, we have a few options:

let x = 17;
let s = '' + x;        // concatenate with a string (the empty string)
let s2 = String(x);    // convert to String. Note: the `new` operator is not used here
let s3 = x.toString(); // use a type's .toString() method

Whether you use a literal or the constructor function, in all cases you will be able to use the various functionality of the String type.

String Properties and Methods

JavaScript Version Note: modern JavaScript also supports template literals, also sometimes called template strings. Template literals use back-ticks instead of single- or double-quotes, and allow you to interpolate JavaScript expressions. For example:

let a = 1;
let s = "The value is " + (1 * 6);
// Use ${...} to interpolate the value of an expression into a string
let templateVersion = `The value is ${1*6}` 

JavaScript’s Array

An Array is an Object with various properties and methods we can use for working with lists in JavaScript.

Declaring JavaScript Arrays

Like creating a String, we can create an Array in JavaScript using either a literal or the Array constructor function:

let arr = new Array(1, 2, 3); // array constructor
let arr2 = [1, 2, 3]; // array literal

Like arrays in C, a JavaScript Array has a length, and items contained within it can be accessed via an index:

let arr = [1, 2, 3];
let len = arr.length; // len is 3
let item0 = arr[0]; // item0 is 1

Unlike languages such as C, a JavaScript Array can contain any type of data, including mixed types:

let list = [0, "1", "two", true];

JavaScript Arrays can also contain holes (i.e., be missing certain elements), change size dynamically at runtime, and we don’t need to specify an initial size:

let arr = [];  // empty array
arr[5] = 56;   // element 5 now contains 56, and arr's length is now 6

NOTE: a JavaScript Array is really a map, which is a data structure that associates values with unique keys (often called a key-value pair). JavaScript arrays are a special kind of map that uses numbers for the keys, which makes them look and behave very much like arrays in other languages. We will encounter this map structure again when we look at how to create Objects.

Accessing Elements in an Array

Like arrays in C, we can use index notation to obtain an element at a given index:

let numbers = [50, 12, 135];
let firstNumber = numbers[0];
let lastNumber = numbers[numbers.length - 1];

JavaScript also allows us to use a technique called Destructuring Assignment to unpack values in an Array (or Object, see below) into distinct variables. Consider each of the following methods, both of which accomplish the same goal:

// Co-ordinates for Seneca's Newnham Campus
let position = [43.7960, -79.3486];

// Separate the two values into their own unique variables.

// Version 1 - index notation
let lat = position[0];
let lng = position[1];

// Version 2 - destructure
let [lat, lng] = position;

This technique is useful when working with structured data, where you know exactly how many elements are in an array, and need to access them:

let dateString = `17/02/2001`;
let [day, month, year] = dateString.split('/');
console.log(`The day is ${day}, month is ${month}, and year is ${year}`);

Here we .split() the string '17/02/2001' at the '/' character, which will produce the Array ['17', '02', '2001']. Next, we destructure this Array’s values into the variables day, month, year.

You can also ignore values (i.e., only unpack the one or ones you want):

let dateString = `17/02/2001`;
// Ignore the first index in the array, unpack only position 1 and 2
let [, month, year] = dateString.split('/');
console.log(`The month is ${month}, and year is ${year}`);

let emailAddress = ``;
// Only unpack the first position, ignoring the second
let [username] = emailAddress.split('@');
console.log(`The username for ${emailAddress} is ${username}`);

Array Properties and Methods

Methods that modify the original array

Methods that do not modify the original array

Methods for iterating across the elements in an Array

JavaScript’s Array type also provides a long list of useful methods for working with list data. All of these methods work in roughly the same way:

// Define an Array
let list = [1, 2, 3, 4];

// Define a function that you want to call on each element of the array
function operation(element) {
    // do something with element...

// Call the Array method that you want, passing your function operation

JavaScript will call the given function on every element in the array, one after the other. Using these methods, we are able to work with the elements in an Array instead of only being able to do things with the Array itself.

As a simple example, let’s copy our list Array and add 3 to every element. We’ll do it once with a for-loop, and the second time with the forEach() method:

// Create a new Array that adds 3 to every item in list, using a for-loop
let listCopy = [];

for(let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
    let element = list[i];
    element += 3;

Now the same code using the Array’s forEach() method:

let listCopy = [];

list.forEach(function(element) {
    listCopy.push(element + 3);

We’ve been able to get rid of all the indexing code, and with it, the chance for off-by-one errors. We also don’t have to write code to get the element out of the list: we just use the variable passed to our function.

These Array methods are so powerful that there are often functions that do exactly what we need. For example, we could shorten our code above even further but using the map() method. The map() method takes one Array, and calls a function on every element, creating and returning a new Array with those elements:

let listCopy = {
    return element + 3;

Here are some of the Array methods you should work on learning:

There are more Array methods you can learn as you progress with JavaScript, but these will get you started.

Iterating over String, Array, and other collections

The most familiar way to iterate over a String or Array works as you’d expect:

let s = 'Hello World!';
for(let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
    let char = s.charAt(i);
    console.log(i, char);
    // Prints:
    // 0, H
    // 1, e
    // 2, l
    // ...

let arr = [10, 20, 30, 40];
for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    let elem = arr[i];
    console.log(i, elem);
    // Prints:
    // 0, 10
    // 1, 20
    // 2, 30
    // ...

The standard for loop works, but is not the best we can do. Using a for loop is prone to various types of errors: off-by-one errors, for example. It also requires extra code to convert an index counter into an element.

An alternative approach is available in ES6, for...of:

let s = 'Hello World!';
for(let char of s) {
    // Prints:
    // H
    // e
    // l
    // ...

let arr = [10, 20, 30, 40];
for(let elem of arr) {
    // Prints:
    // 10
    // 20
    // 30
    // ...

Using for...of we eliminate the need for a loop counter altogether, which has the added benefit that we’ll never under- or over- shoot our collection’s element list; we’ll always loop across exactly the right number of elements within the given collection.

The for...of loop works with all collection types, from String to Array to arguments to NodeList (as well as newer collection types like Map, Set, etc.).

JavaScript’s RegExp

A regular expression is a special string that describes a pattern to be used for matching or searching within other strings. They are also known as a regex or regexp, and in JavaScript we refer to RegExp when we mean the built-in Object type for creating and working with regular expressions.

You can think of regular expressions as a kind of mini programming language separate from JavaScript. They are not unique to JavaScript, and learning how to write and use them will be helpful in many other programming languages.

Even if you’re not familiar with regular expression syntax (it takes some time to master), you’ve probably encountered similar ideas with wildcards. Consider the following Unix command:

ls *.txt

Here we ask for a listing of all files whose filename ends with the extension .txt. The * has a special meaning: any character, and any number of characters. Both a.txt and file123.txt would be matched against this pattern, since both end with .txt.

Regular expressions take the idea of defining patterns using characters like *, and extend it into a more powerful pattern matching language. Here’s an example of a regular expression that could be used to match both common spellings of the word "colour" and "color":


The ? means that the preceding character u is optional (it may or may not be there). Here’s another example regular expression that could be used to match a string that starts with id- followed by 1, 2, or 3 digits (id-1, id-12, or id-999):


The \d means a digit (0-9) and the {1,3} portion means at least one, and at most three. Together we get at least one digit, and at most three digits.

There are many special characters to learn with regular expressions, which we’ll slowly introduce.

Declaring JavaScript RegExp

Like String or Array, we can declare a RegExp using either a literal or the RegExp constructor:

let regex = /colou?r/;              // regex literal uses /.../
let regex2 = new RegExp("colou?r");

Regular expressions can also have advanced search flags, which indicate how the search is supposed to be performed. These flags include g (globally match all occurrences vs. only matching once), i (ignore case when matching), and m (match across line breaks, multi-line matching) among others.

let regex = /pattern/gi;                  // find all matches (global) and ignore case
let regex2 = new RegExp("pattern", "gi"); // same thing using the constructor instead

Understanding Regular Expression Patterns

Regular expressions are dense, and often easier to write than to read. It’s helpful to use various tools to help you as you experiment with patterns, and try to understand and debug your own regular expressions:

Matching Specific Characters

Define Character Matching Repetition

In addition to matching a single character or character class, we can also match sequences of them, and define how many times a pattern or match can/must occur. We do this by adding extra information after our match pattern.

Define Positional Match Parameters or Alternatives

Normally the patterns we define are used to look anywhere within a string. However, sometimes it’s important to specify where in the string a match is located. For example, we might care that an id number begins with some sequence of letters, or that a name doesn’t end with some set of characters.

Using RegExp with Strings

So far we’ve discussed how to declare a RegExp, and also some of the basics of defining search patterns. Now we need to look at the different ways to use our regular expression objects to perform matches.

There are other methods you can call, and more advanced ways to extract data using RegExp, and you are encouraged to dig deeper into these concepts over time. Thinking about matching in terms of regular expressions takes practice, and often involves inverting your logic to narrow a set of possibilities into something you can define in code.

Practice Exercises

  1. Write a function log that takes an Array of Strings and displays them on the console.
  2. An application uses an Array as a Stack (LIFO) to keep track of items in a user’s shopping history. Every time they browse to an item, you want to addItemToHistory(item). How would you implement this?
  3. Write a function buildArray that takes two Numbers, and returns an Array filled with all numbers between the given number: buildArray(5, 10) should return [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
  4. Write a function addDollars that takes an Array of Numbers and uses the array’s map() method to create and return a new Array with each element having a $ added to the front: addDollars([1, 2, 3, 4]) should return ['$1', '$2', '$3', '$4']
  5. Write a function tidy that takes an Array of Strings and uses the array’s map() method to create and return a new Array with each element having all leading/trailing whitespace removed: tidy([' hello', ' world ']) should return ['hello', 'world'].
  6. Write a function measure which takes an Array of Strings and uses the array’s forEach() method to determine the size of each string in the array, returning the total: measure(['a', 'bc']) should return 3. Bonus: try to rewrite your code using the Array’s reduce() method.
  7. Write a function whereIsWaldo that takes an Array of Strings and uses the array’s forEach() method to create a new Array with only the elements that contain the text "waldo" or "Waldo” somewhere in them: whereIsWaldo(['Jim Waldorf, 'Lynn Waldon', 'Frank Smith']) should return 'Jim Waldorf, 'Lynn Waldon']. Bonus: try to rewrite your code using the Array’s filter() method.
  8. Write a function checkAges that takes two arguments: an Array of ages (Number); and a cut-off age (Number). Your function should return true if all of the ages in the Array are at least as old as the cut-off age: checkAges([16, 18, 22, 32, 56], 19) should return false and checkAges([16, 18, 22, 32, 56], 6) should return true. Bonus: try to rewrite your code using the Array’s every() method.
  9. Write a function containsBadWord that takes two arguments: badWords (an Array of words that can’t be used), and userName (a String entered by the user). Check to see if any of the words in badWords are contained within userName. Return the badWord that was found, or null if none are found.
  10. A String contains a Key/Value pair separated by a ":". Using String methods, how would you extract the two parts? Make sure you also deal with any extra spaces. For example, all of the following should be considered the same: "colour: blue", "colour:blue", "colour : blue", "colour: blue ". Bonus: how could you use a RegExp instead?
  11. A String named addresses contains a list of street addresses. Some of the addresses use short forms: "St." instead of "Street" and "Rd" instead of "Road". Using String methods, convert all these short forms to their full versions.
  12. Room booking codes must take the following form: room number (1-305) followed by - followed by the month as a number (1-12) followed by the day as a number (1-31). For example, all of the following are valid: "1-1-1", "250-10-3", "66-12-12". Write a RegExp to check whether a room booking code is valid or not, which allows any of the valid forms.
  13. Write a function that takes a String and checks whether or not it begins with one of "Mr.", "Mrs.", or "Ms.". Return true if it does, otherwise false. Bonus: try writing your solution using regular String methods and again as a RegExp.
  14. Write a function that takes a password String, and validates it according to the following rules: must be between 8-32 characters in length; must contain one Capital Letter; must contain one Number; must contain one Symbol (!@#$%^&*-+{}). Return true if the given password is valid, otherwise false.
  15. Write a RegExp for a Canadian Postal Code, for example "M3J 3M6". Allow spaces or no spaces, capitals or lower case.

A Larger Problem Combining Everything:

You are asked to write JavaScript code to process a String which is in the form of a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) formatted data dump of user information. The data might look something like this:

0134134,John Smith,555-567-2341,62 inches
0134135   ,    June    Lee    ,  5554126347 ,        149 cm
0134136,       Kim Thomas       , 5324126347, 138cm`

Write a series of functions to accomplish the following, building a larger program as you go. You can begin with exercise.js:

  1. Split the string into an Array of separate rows (i.e., an Array with rows separated by \n). Bonus: how could we deal with data that includes both Unix (\n) and Windows (\r\n) line endings?
  2. Each row contains information user info: ID, Name, Phone Number, and Height info all separated by commas. Split each row into an Array with all of its different fields. You need to deal with extra and/or no whitespace between the commas.
  3. Get rid of any extra spaces around the Name field
  4. Using a RegExp, extract the Area Code from the Phone Number field. All Phone Numbers are in one of two formats: "555-555-5555" or "5555555555".
  5. Check if the Height field has "cm" at the end. If it does, strip that out, convert the number to inches, and turn it into a String in the form "xx inches". For example: "152 cm" should become "59 inches".
  6. After doing all of the above steps, create a new record with ID, Name, Area Code, Height In Inches and separate them with commas
  7. Combine all these processed records into a new CSV formatted string, with rows separated by \n.

A sample solution is provided in solution.js.