Welcome to Web Programming Principles. Please refer to the course outline for an overview.
Weekly outline
The BTI225 course content is here available at
Week |
Major Topics |
1 |
Course introduction, Internet architecture and Introduction to JavaScript |
2 |
JavaScript functions, Built-ins/globals, JavaScript scope and closures |
3 |
Intro to Objects, Built-in Objects String , Array , RegExp |
4 |
More Built-in Objects: Date , Math , User-defined objects, Prototypal inheritance |
5 |
Introduction to HTML5, Document structure, elements |
6 |
More HTML Elements, tables, media (images, audio, video), scripts, HTML Validation |
7 |
Document Object Model (DOM), Nodes, creating/modifying/querying the DOM, events |
8 |
Introduction to CSS, selectors, web colors, units, properties and values, fonts, updating CSS using the DOM |
9 |
CSS box model, display and positioning, layout |
10 |
Introduction to HTML5 forms, <input> elements, styling using CSS |
11 |
Client-side validation using HTML5 features and JavaScript |
12 |
Introduction to JSON, data fetching, dynamically updating the DOM |
13 |
Case Study: using REST APIs to integrate data in web apps |
14 |
Course Conclusion |
Code examples and resources
Organized by week. Each “week” page has a README file that describes that week’s code examples.
You can browse the code online.
You can also download the repository as a zip file.
Or, you can clone the repository to your own computer.